CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 24 December 2009

Hot Topics AA: Russia Test-fires ‘Voevoda’ Intercontinental Missile 12/24/09 AF: Taliban issue video of captive US soldier 12/25/09 AF: Troops Secure Former Taliban Ghost Town in Afghanistan 12/25/09 YE: Yemen is growing front in Al Qaida battle 12/23/09 Below the fold: Instability, Special Operations, Security Forces, Foreign Affairs, Crime

Journal: ClimateGate 22 December 2009 Evening

Carbon Trading Scam In Big Trouble After Copenhagen Failure Green billionaires take a hit as markets nosedive Global warming con men hoping to bag windfall profits from the climate change scam are wincing today after carbon trading markets nose dived following the failure at Copenhagen to secure legally binding targets on restricting CO2 emissions. Green …

Worth a Look: Deep Web Multilingual Federated Search

Deep Web Implements the Multilingual Search that Google Imagines Donald A. DePalma 17 December 2009 Filed under (Translation & Localization, Translation Technologies) In an interview with the U.K. newspaper The Daily Telegraph, Google vice president for search products Marissa Mayer challenged the readership to “Imagine what it would be like if there was a tool …