Review: Farwell’s Rules of the Nautical Road Ninth Edition by Craig H. Allen Sr. & Craig H. Allen Jr.

5 Star Top Professional Book on the Subject This is a most extraordinary book intended for professional officers and petty officers, not your average day sailor.  Until I was offered this book as a gift, my personal D Skipper collection consisted of three items: Captain’s Quick Guides Rules of the Road and Running Light Patterns …

Americans for Innovation: UK-China Axis to Destroy USA – Pilgrims Society UK in League with Freemasons, Vatican, Zionists, Satanists to Destroy USA?

JAMES W. BREYER, FACEBOOK KINGPIN, IS THE BRITISH PILGRIMS SOCIETY SURROGATE IN CHINA AND LITERALLY XI JINPING’S RIGHT HAND MAN Phi Beta Iota: Tip of the Hat to State of the Nation for the pointer. Read every word. Includes a by name with photo identification of the cross-over between ostensible UK traitors in residence in …