SOUTHCOM Week in Review Ending 27 Oct 09

Hot Topics AA: Uruguay #1 for Prosperity in South America; Venezuela and Bolivia the Worst 10/26/09 CL: Chile president proposes limiting military courts 10/27/09 CO: Uribe requests repatriation of Colombians murdered in Venezuela 10/26/09 DO: Lucrative charcoal spurs Dominican- Haitian crime cartels 10/26/09 HN: Honduran forces blast recordings of sound effects outside Brazilian embassy 10/22/09 …

AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 26 Oct 09

Hot Topics AA: AFRICOM: Just another Western tool of de facto colonization 10/23/09 BW: Botswana elects first female Speaker 10/21/09 CD: DRC foils coup 10/21/09 DJ: Djibouti Rejects Alleged Destabilization Role in Somalia 10/21/09 GM: Gambia: State Guards Commander Demoted, Dismissed 10/22/09 GN: Expat mining execs flee Guinea on security concern 10/25/09 NG: MEND declares …