SOUTHCOM Week in Review Ending 13 Oct 09

Hot Topics AA: Curacao seeks help in case of missing US diplomat 10/12/09 AA: Israeli military links widespread 10/08/09 AR: Argentina downgraded in financial development index 10/08/09 AR: Argentine Senate overwhelmingly approves media law 10/10/09 CL: Chile Acts to Protect Refugees 10/09/09 CO: Colombia Indians Say Talks with Rebels Must Be Public 10/10/09 CO: COLOMBIA: …

PACOM Week in Review Ending 11 Oct 2009

Hot Topics AU: Former Australian Prime Minister on Afghanistan 10/06/09 BD: President calls countrymen to be vigilant against anti- liberation forces 10/08/09 CN: Where China leads, the US follows 10/06/09 ID: President to Ensure End of Armed Forces’ Businesses 10/06/09 ID: Indonesia’s defense company to export ammunition to US 10/10/09 IN: Relief agencies respond as …

Reference: Building Agility, Resilience and Performance in Turbulent Environments

Definitions: Adaptive Capacity: The amount and variety of resources and skills possessed and available for maintaining viability and growth relative to the requirements posed by the environment. Agility:  The capacity for moving quickly, flexibly and decisively in anticipating, initiating and taking advantage of opportunities and avoiding any negative consequences of change. Resiliency:  The capacity for …

Journal: Real-Time Intelligence

UN – Successful Fight against Drug Trafficking, Transnational Organized Crime Requires Interlocking National, Regional, International Strategies, Third Committee Told ISRIA – France The time had come to consider how to better implement the decisions of the …… to share real–time intelligence on illicit drugs and associated crimes, … No Substitute for Boots on the Ground …

Journal: US IC Re-Discovers the Davies J-Curve

15,000 Affected By Intelligence Community Server Shutdown Atlantic POLITICS Oct 8 2009, 9:53 am Marc Ambinder EXTRACT: A CIA analyst who works on open source projects with state and local law enforcement officials said that uGov provided the only secure way to provide them with critical homeland security information. Several Defense Intelligence Agency employees wrote …