Berto Jongman: Connecting Iran & Hezbollah to Boston — Iranian Denial (on Canada) — USA Irony

Kahlili is  a questionable source but he did predict that Canada would be next. He also has several lines indicating that US intelligence was warned and informed about the threat. We have to see what happens now in France and the UK. There are indications that Hezbollah networks in Europe have been strengthened and activated. …

2013 Robert Steele in HighGainBlog on Open and Secret Intelligence

Robert Steele Discusses Open Source and Secret Intelligence HighGainBlog, 4 April 2013 Robert Steele has been a prescient thinker in the fields of search and content processing for decades. Best known for his work in open source intelligence, Mr. Steele has published widely on what I call  “politico-info issues.” One April 2, 2013 Mr. Steele …

Berto Jongman: YouTube (53:03) INTERNET RISING

Connecting all minds and all information all the time. Published on Dec 30, 2012 INTERNET RISING: Evolving Relationship between the internet and Human Consciousness (Full Documentary Film)  (November 29, 2011) A digital documentary film investigating ev01ving relationships between Internet & humanity’s [sub | un] consciousness, created via webcam interviews as a mash-up of internet meta-memes …

Search (3): Analytic Models, 10 Threats, Threat Support to Acquisition

Ada Bozeman, in Strategic Intelligence and Statecraft: Selected Essays, has written: (There is a need) to recognize that just as the essence of knowledge is not as split up into academic disciplines as it is in our academic universe, so can intelligence not be set apart from statecraft and society, or subdivided into elements…such as …