Eagle: Ten Civilization-Destructive Trends in 2013

List only — read article for elaboration. Ten civilization-shaping trends for 2013 that are driving us into social and spiritual crisis Mike Adams Natural News, 1 May 2013 #1) The rise of human engineered genetics #2) Reality escapism via gaming, social networks and computer-human interface devices such as Google Glass, VR helmets #3) The demonization …

Theophillis Goodyear: The Second Enlightment Emergent Now — Comment by Bojan Radej

The Second Enlightenment Has Emerged: We Should Call It What It Is Have you ever noticed that there’s no convenient, sufficient, or satisfying way to pull all the threads together of all the inter-related branches of wisdom that we’re always talking about? despite the fact that they all seem to be part of the same …

Paul C. Hoffman: Upcoming Classes on “The Art of Appreciating ~ the Courage to Receive”

The Art of Appreciating – The Courage to Receive • Do you have trouble letting in the good around you? • When someone says or does something nice to you, do you get all squirmy and suspiciously nervous? Do you uncontrollably and immediately go to standard cultural programming [“Deny. Minimize! Deflect!!”] even when there’s no …

R. D. Laing: Sanity and Madness in Family and Society

2011  The Politics of the Family Essays by the renowned psychiatrist on that most central unit: the family.  Focus on the breakdowns within families and between families and larger social networks. 1996  Mad to Be Normal: Conversations with R. D. Laing As we listen to him describe his relations with the prominent philosophers, psychoanalysts, and …