Robert Steele: Homeland Security – The Much Bigger Picture

Homeland Security: The Much Bigger Picture Homeland Security Today, May 26, 2015 By: Robert David Steele As I scan the horizon across our homeland, what many of us think of as America the Beautiful, I cannot help but see something different — a troubled, even shocked, dysfunctional government, corrupt industry, the shallowness of our chattering …

CounterPunch: Rise of “Islam as a Solution” Fundamentalism and Failure of the Left in the Middle East

The Rise of Religious Powers and the Failure of the Left in The Middle-East: An Interview with Ramzy Baroud EXTRACT The general idea was: both US-western and Soviet models have failed or are failing, and there is an urgent need for alternative. Don’t forget these societies fought and are fighting against extremely corrupt, brutal, calculating …

Chris Hedges: The Most Dangerous Woman in America – a City Council PhD Socialist in Seattle

The Most Dangerous Woman in America SEATTLE — Kshama Sawant, the socialist on the City Council, is up for re-election this year. Since joining the council in January of 2014 she has helped push through a gradual raising of the minimum wage to $15 an hour in Seattle. She has expanded funding for social services …