Yoda: Is Falon Gong Organ Harvesting a PSYOP Against China?

An Alert Reader offers the following thoughts. Sitting at my desk all day doing interpreting, I watched all the videos of ITNJ and I learned a lot.  Thanks to whoever posted them.  Phenomenal work and very impressive members and witnesses. I hit an enormous psychological roadblock on this following one, about organ transplants in China, …

James Fetzer: The Parkland False Flag & The Execution of Alex Jones

Parkland was 100% False Flag. Here’s a short take on how it was done: VIDEO: The Parkland Puzzle: How the Pieces Fit Together (38:47, 23 March 2018). This one will help National Rifle Association (NRA) get a grip on reality. VIDEO: JIM FETZER “Think Tank” (4-4-18) **How To Spot A False Flag** (2:15:47, 6 March …

Robert Steele: James Bamford on Anti-Intelligence -Trump’s War on the IC (Trump Revolution 28)

Anti-Intelligence What happens when the president goes to war with his own spies? The New Republic 19 March 2018 Phi Beta Iota: Bamford understates the cost of the IC – over eight years Obama spent close to $400 billion, not the $100 billion that Bamford cites. If one includes hidden support costs in other budgets, …