Stephen E. Arnold: Search Bottlenecks — Still There, Getting Worse

Speeding Up Search: The Challenge of Multiple Bottlenecks I read “Search at Scale Shows ~30,000X Speed Up.” I have been down this asphalt road before, many times in fact. The problem with search and retrieval is that numerous bottlenecks exist; for example, dealing with exceptions (content which the content processing system cannot manipulate). I wish …

Robert Steele: Rigging Elections – and Worse! The Americans Rigged Our Election, Bribed Our Government, Stole Our Gold, Killed Our Men, Raped Our Women, and Poisoned our Air, Water, and Earth – and You Want to Blame Something on the Russians? (Trump Revolution 25)

Rigging Elections – and Worse! The Americans Rigged Our Election, Bribed Our Government, Stole Our Gold, Killed Our Men, Raped Our Women, and Poisoned our Air, Water, and Earth – and You Want to Blame Something on the Russians? Robert David Steele American Herald Tribune 10 March 2018 Please “share” from the original at above …

Robert Steele: Is Zionism Over? From Korea to Syria to the Latest #GoogleGestapo Purge, President Donald Trump’s Divorce from Zionism Appears Increasingly Possible (Trump Revolution 24)

Is Zionism Over? From Korea to Syria to the Latest #GoogleGestapo Purge, President Donald Trump’s Divorce from Zionism Appears Increasingly Possible SHORT URL To Original: Robert David Steele American Herald Tribune 6 March 2018  Full Text & Two Graphics Below the Fold.

Robert Steele: Core Works UPDATED with 21st Century University

Short URL: REINVENTING NATIONAL SECURITY: Grand Strategy, Global Reality, and the U.S. Army REINVENTING INTELLIGENCE: 30 Years in the Wilderness REINVENTING ENGINEERING: The Ultimate Hack — Creating a Prosperous World at Peace with Open Source Everything NATO 2040: Intelligence (Decision-Support) as Root for Transformation