Stephen E. Arnold: Social Media Demographics

Social Network Demographics by the Numbers EXTRACT: Here are some of the facts: Facebook is still mostly female and remains the top network.  Twitter leans heavier on the male demographic, while YouTube reaches more adults in 18-34 demographic than cable TV.  Instagram is considered the most important of teenage social networks, but Snapchat has the …

Anthony Judge: African Immigration Forced Into Europe — 12 Strategic Questions for European Leaders

12 Strategic Questions for Europe Regarding Forced Immigration from Africa in the light of the continuing influx and the associated fatalities Produced in a month in which it is estimated that more than 10,000 migrants embarked for Italy, and following a week of unprecedented immigrant fatalities, notably evoking an appeal by Pope Francis to the …

Michael Kearns: Recommended Book “Why Torture Doesn’t Work: The Neuroscience of Interrogation”

Professor Shane O’Mara, Director of the Trinity College – Dublin Neuroscience Lab, is having his new book published. A very powerful message to the Bush OLC Lawyers who looked into SERE technuques… they damage the brain when applied over time. Torture is banned because it is cruel and inhumane. But as Shane O’Mara writes in …

2015 ANSWERS Robert Steele for Sean Lorenz on OSINT Update 3

There is a need for hard data and statistics on OSINT — why it has been relegated to the basement and distributed rather than consolidated as with the other disciplines, what it’s successes and failures have been. In how many cases did it provide Intelligence that was critical to mission success ? NEEDS DATA 

INTERVIEW: Robert Steele with Nicolae Tanase — Meaning of Life

Robert Steele: The Education of Your Children Is Your True Legacy For me life has meaning at two levels: truth, and family. The truth is, as John D. Caputo says, “philosophy in transit.” One’s relation to the truth — and whether one places any emphasis on understanding the truth, defining the truth, living in truth …