Jean Lievens: C. M. Rubin Interview Howard Rheingold on Global Search for (Digital) Education + PBI Meta

The Global Search for Education: Digital “We live in a world now where anybody can ask any question anywhere and get thousands of answers within seconds, but it is up to the questioner to determine which of those answers are legit, which are false, which are intentionally misleading.” — Howard Rheingold The literacies today: attention, …

Search: negative reviews lessons not learned us navy status quo and culture

Complex searches do not work with Word Press but simple ones do.  Robert Steele has not reviewed this book but provides the link to an earlier guest review here an amplifying comment below the fold with many links. A search result that works: < Review Lessons Not Learned > Review (Guest): Lessons Not Learned – …

Rick Robinson: Three human qualities technology can’t replace in the future economy

Three human qualities technology can’t replace in the future economy EXTRACT In this article I’ll go a little further to explore why human decision-making and understanding are based on more than intelligence; they are based on experience and values. I’ll also explore what would be required to ever get to the point at which computers could …

Reference: Italian Military Strategic Outlook

Osservatorio Strategico Outlook 2015 (Centre for High Defence Studies, Military Centre for Strategic Studies, Republic of Italy) Part I: Global Outlook Part II: Regional Analysis (Middle East; Afghan Theater; Balkan-Dnubian Region and Turkey; Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia; India and the Indian Ocean; China; Asia-Pacific; Latin America) Part III: Sectorial Analysis (European Defense Initiatives, …