Marcus Aurelius: Cyberwar as the Alternative to Micro/Macro Violence

Need To Know: Technolog: In Praise Of Cyberwar It’s better than the alternative. How malware could actually help keep the peace. By Michael Hirsh National Journal, June 9, 2012 EXTRACT: Above all, cybertactics could supply a new way out of an old conundrum — a kind of halfway house between the only two effective options …

Michel Bauwens: Knowing Networks as an Alternative to Closed Networks

Phi Beta Iota:  This is one of the most elegant trenchant discussions we have seen on the imperatives for arriving at collective intelligence through open methods.   The entire contribution is below the line. Debating the Iron Law of Bureaucracy and the Power Law: Knowing Networks as an alternative to scale-free networks Franco Iacomella, 2nd May …

Crazy, Maybe True: US/Israel Role in Japan Disaster — State Eco-Terrorism, Nuclear or HAARP Trigger, Supplementary “Camera Bombs” from Israeli Security Company — Germany Being Blackmailed Also?

Phi Beta Iota: The world is in an interregnum, between “rule by secrecy” and lies from power as the norm, and a very ugly baby Web 4.0 in which bottom-up truth struggles to emerge.  We will have a great deal of baby poop to deal with, but over time, public intelligence in the public interest …