Bin Laden Show 48: PK ISI Chief Hamid Gul: Theater

Former Pakistani intelligence chief Hamid Gul went on the Alex Jones Show today and characterized the unverified assassination of Osama bin Laden as symbolic theater. Kurt Nimmo, May 2, 2011 Gul said the event was a “make believe drama” designed to be used for Obama’s upcoming re-election campaign. The supposed hit as described by …

Bin Laden Show 46: Blackwater Blown in Abottabad in January 2010

PDF 1 Page Phi Beta Iota: We like the presentation format, and we respect the fact that this was posted in 2010, over a year ago.  This should be an orchestrated “open web” rather than a closed  limited dissemination offering.  It is an accurate representation of something the CIA clandestine culture–and even less so the …

Bin Laden Show 45: Overview of Fake Bin Ladens

NEW RELEASED PICTURES FROM BIN LADEN MISSION: Clearly shows tapes of fake Bin Laden speeches.  Looks like the same fake Bin Laden stand-in from a decade ago. It appears Bin Laden was reviewing his stand-in’s performance. Phi Beta Iota: A methodical overview.  Well worth considering.