Berto Jongman: Manufacturing Dissent, Digital Repression, Nonviolent Resistance….

Manufacturing Dissent: Modernization and the Surge of Nonviolent Resistance Phi Beta Iota: This is the opposite of how Cynthia McKinney and Robert Steele use the term. In their use, “Manufacturing Dissent” is a direct reference to #RESIST: Summer of Violence and the extended program of false flag events, sedition, and violence being promoted by George …

Julian Assange: Google Is Not What It Seems – Regime Change & Digital Repression…. [#GoogleGestapo]

Google Is Not What It Seems Regime Change & Digital Repression…. by Julian Assange In this extract from his new book When Google Met Wikileaks, WikiLeaks’ publisher Julian Assange describes the special relationship between Google, Hillary Clinton and the State Department — and what that means for the future of the internet. WikiLeaks readers can …

Robert Steele: Healing the Self & Healing the World – The Open Source Way (Trump Revolution 14)

Healing the Self & Healing the World: The Open Source Way Robert David Steele Defence & Intelligence Norway 13 September 2017 Editor-in-Chief Note: The author was recommended by me, and probably nominated by a Norwegian Minister, for the Nobel Peace Prize in January 2017. I believe that he is redefining defense, economics, governance, intelligence, and …

Mongoose: David Brock’s Confidential Memo on Destroying Donald Trump and Alt-Right Alternative Media and Truth Operations

Democracy Matters: Strategic Plan for Action Phi Beta Iota: Worthy of a full read.  Full of lies and avoids mentioning the racketeering conspiracy with George Soros and Eric Schmidt or #GoogleGestapo censorship board — or the AIPAC role in manipulating media, money, and more, but a starting point. In our view, David Brock along with …