2014-03-01 Global Reality Daily 0900 East

We’re playing around. None of the RSS / curation offerings are satisfactory. As a side note: the President’s Daily Brief (PDB) is Top Secret Limited Distribution and costs roughly 219 million dollars a day and is seen by very few. This daily is free and open to all.

4th Media: Anglo-American Axis: Losing Ukraine or Losing Europe Putin Can Win the Game?

Anglo-American Axis: Losing Ukraine or Losing Europe Putin Can Win the Game? What is it that really “scared the hell” out of the Anglo-Americans? Could Ukraine become an area of cooperation between Russia and Europe? Could European countries break free? Concerning Ukraine, it now appears that the fury shown by the Anglo-Americans (that seems really …

John Steiner: Global Brain at Huffington Post [Don’t Laugh, Please…]

Global Brain What Is the ‘Internet of Things’? Cadell Last | Posted 11.26.2013 | Technology Read More: Global Brain, Intelligence, Human Evolution, Computers, Science, Future, Technology, Robots, Internet, Internet of Things, Futurism, Technology News Welcome to the Internet of Things (IoT). Currently the idea of the IoT has many definitions. Most include a world in …

Reference: HSBC South-South Special – What a Globalizing China Means for Latin America + China RECAP

Points to Consider: 01 PRC Rising in Caribbean, Central & South America 02 Banking, Mining, Power, Water… 03 PRC Non-Official Rising Employer and Tax Revenue Power 04 Not Addressed: Export of Chinese Males — Demographic Majority Inevitable Source Snap-Shot: South-South ties between China and LatAm are growing beyond the well-known trade flows. Chinese corporates are …

Marcus Aurelius: War Games Test 2 Versions of US Army — Current and Planned Army Loses Big, Innovation Army Triumphs

War game compares response of 2 versions of future Army By Lance M. Bacon Staff writer Army Times, Nov. 25, 2013 – 06:00AM A reduced reliance on airfields and seaports in a recent war game resulted in increased speed and entry operations. New Gear: What’s next If necessity is the mother of invention, get ready …