Berto Jongman: ISIS Terrorist Financing – Not As Reported, Some Useful Nuances

The Archivist: Unseen Islamic State Financial Accounts for Deir az-Zor Province Figures in the documents help us to quantify IS financing. From IS’ richest province in fossil fuels, revenues and expenditures for the province come in the form of millions of dollars on a monthly basis, not tens or hundreds of millions. As can be …

Gareth Porter: Framing Iran for Khobar Towers — Who Benefits? Saudi Arabia & Zionist Israel UPDATE 1

Who Bombed Khobar Towers? Anatomy of a Crooked Terrorism Investigation The official Khobar Towers investigation led by FBI Director Louis Freeh was precooked to arrive at the outcome that had been politically determined by the White House. The only evidence of Saudi Shi’a involvement in the bombing was from confessions obtained by torture by Saudi …

Berto Jongman: The Mystery of ISIS — Robert Steele: The Mendacity of the West

The Mystery of ISIS Anonymous  NYT Review of Books  August 13, 2015 Issue Nothing since the triumph of the Vandals in Roman North Africa has seemed so sudden, incomprehensible, and difficult to reverse as the rise of ISIS. None of our analysts, soldiers, diplomats, intelligence officers, politicians, or journalists has yet produced an explanation rich …

Wesley Clark: ISIS Funded by Our Closest Allies

Gen. Wesley Clark: “ISIS Got Started With Funding From Our Closest Allies” EXTRACT Far from a spontaneously-arising root-of-all-evil organization, at least according to General Wesley Clark, ISIS was created and funded by our “closest allies.” As the General said: “ISIS got started through funding from our friends and allies… to fight to the death against …