Robert Steele: Reflections on Taking Down #GoogleGestapo (aka BigTech or FAANG) and MSM

A core aspect of showing foreign control is discovery that maps exactly who introduced the term hate speech, who suggested modifications to corporate terms of reference that now “allow” deflatforming, and who was put in as “trusted flaggers.” At the end of the day you will find that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Zionist …

Alexandra Bruce: Deep State from CIA to Israel to Monsanto to Nazis to Romney . . .

“…It’s pretty stunning, to see the thread connecting Agent Orange, Monsanto, GMOs, IG Farben, Zyklon B, Adolf Hitler, Operation Paperclip, Standard Oil, Rockefeller medicine, Robert Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, Mossad, Raytheon, Bill Gates, Microsoft, Dick Cheney, Halliburton, Ryan Seacrest, the Kardashians and the companies that manufacture the puberty-blockers and hormones that enable transgenderism and the large …

The Steele Report Questions Being Answered Today

1. You have spoken in the past about how Ivanka Trump was probably profiled by Ghislaine Maxwell for capture by a Mossad controlled Zionist, and you have speculated that artificial phenomes were used to cause her to fall in love with a slum-lord twit who may also be gay. Can you comment further?