Yoda: Is Donald Trump A Genius? Alert Reader on Suez

Alert Reader writes in: Even though I didn’t really get why, it hit me very hard tonight. SUEZ HAD TO BE -AND WAS- AN OPERATION. SUEZ has been a major international maritime traffic since day one. Hell, Drugs Weapons Humans Oil Raw material and finished products And pharmaceuticals.

Matt Ehret: Origins of the Deep State in North America Part III: What is the Fabian Society and to What End was it Created?

Our first two installments have dealt with the origins of the Deep State in North America by reviewing the creation of the Rhodes Scholarship/Chatham House network at the end of the 19th century and the infiltration of indoctrinated scholars into every governing branch of western society. We traced the key players in this Oxford-based network who …

Who’s Who in Earth Intelligence: Georgi Alexandrov Stankov

Georgi Alexandrov Stankov was born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria in 1951. He finished the local English gram­mar school in 1970. After two years of compulsory military service, he began with the study of infor­ma­tics and electro­nics at the Technical University in Sofia. He had special interests in physics and ma­the­matics. At the same time he was …

Who’s Who in Cultural & Stellar Intelligence: Nora Maccoby

Nora Maccoby is a fourth-generation artist, whose work has been featured in LandEscape Art Review; in Venice during the 2017 Biennale; at the Smithsonian Arts and Industries Museum in December 2017; and in January 2018, she was awarded the International Prize Leonardo da Vinci in Florence, Italy, by Art International Contemporary. She recently exhibited her …