The Steele Report Grades & Topics Today

Robert Grades UK/Israel Green, Campaign, White House, Society Yellow, and Message, Economy Orange. He covers the following  topics today: Electoral College, DNI Foreign Interference Report, Joe Biden Indictment . . . The Emerging Battle Over the Truth – BigTech Liars vs. Populist Truthers Cyber-Integrity – Is Bad Code the Horseshoe Nail that Costs Us Everything? …

Robert Steele: Dominion vs Sidney Powell — Dr. Cynthia McKinney and My Thoughts

Dominion has sent a letter to Sidney Powell claiming that her assertions are defamatory. I discussed this with Dr. Cynthia McKinney and here are her conclusions with my own concluding comments. Bottom line: Dominion is bluffing. Any lawsuit will subject them to discovery of their source code and that is their worst nightmare. Background: when …

Martin Geddes: Open Your Mind to Change – A Guidebook to the Great Awakening [Foreword by Robert Steele] – Absolutely Essential Reading for Every Person of Conscience on Earth

Short URL for telling others: Open Your mind TO CHANGE: A guidebook to the Great Awakening Preface Why I Am Optimistic About the Future The Great Awakening The Storm: How To Prepare For a Global Corruption Purge? Crossing The Schism Dark And Light: The Revolution Within The Silent War And Digital Soldiers Death Of …

Owl: What Acting SecDef Miller’s Special Ops Shift Means + Robert Steele Comments

SHORT URL THIS POST: What Acting SecDef Miller’s Special Ops Shift Means The move “will put special operations command on par with the military services for the first time,” acting SecDef Chris Miller announced today The crux of the transformation will ensure that the top special operations official at the Pentagon can go directly …