Berto Jongman: New York Times, Part of the Deep State, Asserts the Deep State Does Not Exist; Fake News — and the Deep State — Are Imploding…

What Happens When You Fight a ‘Deep State’ That Doesn’t Exist Though Mr. Trump has not publicly used the phrase, allies and sympathetic news media outlets have repurposed “deep state” from its formal meaning — a network of civilian and military officials who control or undermine democratically elected governments — to a pejorative meant to …

Robert Steele: THE SPEECH [Annotated Edition] by Donald Trump (Trump Revolution 09)

THE SPEECH [Annotated Edition] Can Donald Trump Triumph Over the Deep State? Robert David STEELE Vivas PREFACE The President and his closest personal staff have confused Divine Providence – the hand of God in over-turning a rigged system – with a mandate to govern. They are confusing Republican Party control of the Senate and the …

White House Petition: Memo4Trump – 100% not 27% — Unity Act Against the Deep State Now!

Several volunteers are working on a White House petition. SHORT URL This Post: Memo4Trump – 100% not 27% — Unity Act Against the Deep State Now! Actual Petition Donald Trump is both an accidental president, and a fringe president (elected by 27%). He is in grave danger – unlike Barack Obama (elected by 26%), …

The Trump “Intelligence” Briefing Has No Proof Russians Hacked (or Leaked) Anything: Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections UPDATE 8

Best line = ZERO proof: “Judgments are not intended to imply that we have proof that shows something to be a fact. Assessments are based on collected information, which is often incomplete or fragmentary, as well as logic, argumentation, and precedents.” We do not make this stuff up. The DNI just committed suicide. In three …

Robert Steele: US IC Allegations Against Russians Are Crap — Our Own Traitors, Not the Russians, Are the Real Enemy, Fake Evidence & Fake News – UPDATE 22

I invite readers to tweet this post to @realDonaldTrump and @seanspicer using the tweet share button at the bottom of this post. UPDATE 22: BuzzFeed reports the evidence is simply not there. The FBI Never Asked For Access To Hacked Computer Servers The FBI did not examine the servers of the Democratic National Committee before issuing …