Zero Hedge: Lockdown = Collective National Suicide! Open Letter & Video!

SHORT URL: Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, released a now-viral video in which he calmly explained why nationwide lockdowns are “collective suicide”. Now he has written an open letter to Chancellor Angela Merkel and it is fantastic… Via, Full text of letter in ENGLISH and PDF of …

Robert Steele: Two Letters Documenting What the US Government Knew on 3 February 2020 About the Virus, Medical Malpractice, and Media Censorship

SHORT URL: This is what the US Government knew on 3 February 2020. The answer letter was probably not shown to the President (just as my cyber-vulnerability letter in 1994 was not shown to the President). There are however signals that the President is fully aware of all the permutations, and a massive positive …

Arthur Firstenberg: The Invisible Rainbow – A History of Electricity and Life [Radiation Sickness Explains All Past and Present Flu Outbreaks Including Wuhan Virus and Radiation Sickness on Cruise Ships] 5G in Context

ROBERT STEELE: This book documents the high probability that radiation sickness is caused by all forms of electricity including 5G, microwaves, and all other forms of emission. The Spanish flu specifically, the current Wuhan virus — and the cruise ships particularly — as well as cancer and diabetes — are all arguably associated with electromagnetic …

Robert Steele: FAKE PANDEMIC It’s OVER! [President is Correct — This is the New Hoax aka False Flag.]

20200309: President Trump is going to kick some serious ass very soon. He is aware of the bio-drops and the 5G modulations. My original article in mid-February is here: Robert Steele in Tehran Times: Interview A Counterintelligence Perspective on the Wuhan Virus – A Zionist Bio-War False Flag Attack? VIDEO (6:26): George Carlin on Germs …

CENSORED BY #GoogleGestapo: WORLD WAR III: Ukrainian Flight PS752 Western False Flag (Remote Hijacking / Transponder Disabling to Trigger Two Tor-M1 missiles) Update 2: Iran Now Understands This Was a False Flag Cyber Attack

WORLD WAR III: Was Ukrainian flight PS752 a Western false flag combining remote hijacking and transponder disabling to trigger two Tor-M1 missiles? TEHRAN, Jan. 14 (MNA) – Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy as well as an activist for Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE), says the Ukrainian plane incident …