Berto Jongman: Integrating Information in Joint Operations (IIJO)

Email dated 27 October 2020 To the SMA Community, At the request of Headquarters US Air Force (HAF), SMA initiated a study to address how the Joint Force can best understand and integrate information and influence into its activities across the competition continuum. The attached 5×8 for the Integrating Information in Joint Operations (IIJO) effort …

Worth a Look: Tom Bearden on Energetics, Scalar War, BioWar, Free Energy, and More

ROBERT STEELE: I was introduced to this man’s work by John Peterson, founder of the The Arlington Institute and one of the top futurists (and top observers of extraterrestrial and paranormal fields). I am very very impressed. I recommend everyone take a very close look, particularly as we evaluate the intersection of the coronavirus and …

Winslow Wheeler: Is Military Industrial Complex Stabbing President Donald Trump in the Back By Heavily Funding Bernie Sanders?

* Bernie Sanders is attracting more defense-related campaign contributions than all of his rivals, including Donald Trump. * Sanders’ margin is frequently large — puling in multiples of what others have received, including Donald Trump. * On multiple specific measures, Trump is performing poorly in attracting defense-related contributions compared to several Democrats.

Gordon Duff: Mossad Jeffrey Epstein Core Nuclear Blackmail and Smuggling Network Compromising Department of Energy, US Air Force, and Governors of New Mexico

Why America is a Threat? With all the investigation of Epstein, the “Lolita Express” and his private island, nothing is said of the “Zorro Ranch” in New Mexico. The facility is on land whose history, and we must be careful here, establishes a series of relationships between Epstein and powerful politicians who live nearby, some …