Journal: Petition for Peace Engineering

The average American is now in motion.  The Independent movement has reached critical mass, and the public recognition that everything the government is doing lacks a strategic analytic rationale as well as–in many cases–a moral rationale, is gathering force. The below message captured our attention.  Note the “social engineering” of the military-industrial complex that has …

Michael Kearns: Leadership & Social Change

Leadership. The “School” of American Leadership Studies & Development (ALS&D) has been the largest mythological tyrant ever to spew propagandistic mythology (1); therein, inflating the lust for money, power, and control as measures of “success” in America (2). Much like Trump’s Great Man ascertations, about how “great” America can be, much like him-self – with …

2016: How Trump Can Win

SHORT URL This Post: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” In my view, the two-party tyranny — the criminal cabal that has blocked 60% of the eligible voters in America from ballot access and meaningful participation in our national political process — a process Princeton and Jimmy Carter have both declared to …