Review: Dawn of the Akshic Age – New Consciousness, Quantum Resonance, and the Future of the World

Ervin Laszlo and Kingsley L. Dennis et al. 4.0 out of 5 stars Superb Appetizer Book — a Potpourri of Genius — Not the Main Plate, December 26, 2013 Buy and read this book for a marvelous panoramic view of the latest thinking circling around the end of the top-down scarcity model that concentrates wealth, …

SchwartzReport: Larry Dossey on ONE MIND – How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters

Here is an excellent essay by SR reader, author, and, physician Larry Dossey. I am happy to publish it because it reflects my own views. I encourage you to get Larry’s new book: One Mind. 7 Billion Minds, or One? LARRY DOSSEY, MD – The Huffington Post Source: ONE MIND: How Our Individual Mind Is …

SchwartzReport: Stunning Breakthrough in Quantum Consciousness

Here is an extraordinary breakthrough in physics that may show us how to integrate both local and nonlocal consciousness, and radically change our understanding of the structure of reality. A Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics Natalie Wolchover – Quanta Magazine Physicists have discovered a jewel-like geometric object that dramatically simplifies calculations of particle …

John Maguire: YouTube Audio (1:21:36) Blue Science’s Matt Pulver: Subquantum Kinetics, Pathological Science, and Modeling Consciousness

Published on May 17, 2013 Interview with Physicist and Consciousness Researcher Matt Pulver on the topics of Theoretical Physics, the Sociology of Science, and Consciousness/Perception. Matt works with Dr. Paul LaViolette in modeling Subquantum Kinetics; Dr. Paul’s novel systems approach to microphysics and cosmology. Matt is also the coordinator of Project Camelot’s Blue Science, an …

Worth a Look: Epigenetic Control (Control Above the Genes — Consciousness)

Published on Jan 12, 2013 Conversations to Awaken your Soul. Live from the Hay House “I Can Do It” conference in Las Vegas. A conversation with Dr. Wayne Dyer and Bruce H. Lipton, PhD.  Bottom line: DNA is fixed, but DNA read-out is infinitely variable and radically affected by your beliefs, consciousness, and mental focus.  …

12 Mar to 30 Apr 2013 Online Consciousness Conversations ($249)

The Consciousness Conversations March 12, 2013 ,05:00 PM – April 30, 2013 ,06:30 PM  A Visionary Dialogue with Ervin Laszlo, Claire Zammit, Craig Hamilton, Lynne McTaggart, Marilyn Schlitz, Pim van Lommel, John Hagelin and Fred Travis. Hosted by The Intelligent Optimist’s Jurriaan Kamp The coming expansion of consciousness will change the world beyond anything we can …