Zero Hedge: American Farm Debt Reaches 1980’s Crisis Levels — Ag Suicides Twice Vet Suicides — If Farms Go Down Guns Go Up…

American Farm Debt Reaches 1980s Crisis Levels: Agriculture Secretary Alert Reader says: Just an up-date from Zero Hedge. add to that the suicide rate of farmers is double that of veterans, and the average age of a farmer is 63. My opinion, when the farms go down – the guns will come up. As I …

Mona Alexis Pressley: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Charlottesville Crisis Actor made her Debut in Sandy Hook

Mona Alexis Pressley: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Charlottesville Crisis Actor made her Debut in Sandy Hook Mr. President, While you correctly condemned racism on display in Charlottesville, you may not know that the whole event was political theater, an orchestrated event with crisis actors, the most conspicuous of whom, Susan Bro, said to …

Nicholas Kollerstrom: In Solidarity with Alex Jones — Sandy Hook a transitional occurrence in state-sponsored terror — nobody died in an exercise with crisis actors

Nicholas Kollerstrom: In Solidarity with Alex Jones—A transitional occurrence in state-sponsored terror — nobody died in an exercise with crisis actors Mr. President, The ‘Sandy Hook’ event was a great transitional moment in modern state-fabricated terror. Before it, we had events such as 9/11 and the London bombings of 2005, in which a lot of …

Gary Byrne, Author of Crisis, Files 210-Page Racketeering Lawsuit Against Clinton Foundation, William and Hillary Clinton, Media Matters,David Brock, George Soros, and John Podesta Et Al

UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA GARY J. BYRNE / GJB,LLC RICO COMPLAINT (Actual home address withheld due to death threats and related danger to Plaintiff from Enterprise Defendants, Surrogates, Participants and Others– such address can be provided to the District Court under seal) Plaintiff v.

Benjamin Fulford: New Financial Crisis Coming Soon — But Banks and Zionists Are On the Run…

New financial crisis likely as Western civil war intensifies in Washington D.C., Europe, Brazil and elsewhere The pushback against Trump’s Zionist blackmail-induced activity in the Middle East could be seen when “the House on May 23 banned Trump from declaring war on Iran without Congressional approval, and Congress on May 24 killed a measure for …