Bitchute Directory

To seach by keywords, use ctrl + F and type in the word you are looking for BitChute Link for Description, Embed Code, Full-Screen Viewing, & Sharing DATE TYPE SUBJECT VIDEO TITLE/ LINK 2021-04-28 Mirror Crimes Against Humanity Mirror: Juan O’Savin Update 2021-04-27 Mirror ARISE RIDE FOR THE USA — Trent Loos (Rides a Horse) …

Robert Steele: Gold War Against Russia and 9/11 Complicity? — Another Reason to Hang John Brennan (and Buzzy Krongard) After Due Process of Law . . .

John Durham investigation intensifies focus on John Brennan Jerry Dunleavy, Washington Examiner As Durham intensifies against Brennan, I would like to be sure that Brennan’s start as a war criminal is not overlooked. Brennan, who is a political toady analyst, not a case officer, got his start as a political criminal when George Tenet (himself …

Robert Steele: Jared Kushner, Shadow President — Coronavirus 5G Opportunity for a Revolution?

I and most of my professional colleagues hold Jared Kushner in high disdain. At one level  this is a man-child , slum-lord, agent of a foreign power (Israel) who also took a $1 billion bribe from Qatar, which should have seen him immediately expelled from the White House and denied all clearances. Many of us …