Berto Jongman: Nestle’s Environmental Crime

The fight to stop Nestlé from taking America’s water to sell in plastic bottles Creek beds are bone dry and once-gushing springs are reduced to trickles as fights play out around the nation over control of nation’s freshwater supply by Tom Perkins Read full article.

Robert Steele: Epstein Not Dead, Case Dismissed, Stolen Money Safe — Epstein Laughing!

SHORT URL: 20191111:  EPSTEIN, AL BAGHDADI AND THE POINT — Both Alive The perfect getaway: The Hill: Judge orders case against Epstein over NY Post: Jeffrey Epstein an ‘evil genius’ for filing will in the Virgin Islands CLOSED. The story is never going to be covered properly.  Here are the nine veils of evil …

Ralph Cinque: Review of the Oklahoma Bombing — the Government Lied, Lied, Lied, and Then Lied Some More…

Ralph Cinque, Review of Craig Roberts, The Medusa File II: The Politics of Terror and the Oklahoma City Bombing Craig made a list of incongruities, including: Ryder truck full of fertilizer could not have caused the damage; the crater was too small, only 8 to 12 feet across; damage to the building and cut columns …