Berto Jongman: Eight Paradigm Shifts — Starting Now…

Are We on the Verge of an Interspiritual Age? By Bernard Starr (about the author) EXTRACT The horrific events that we read about and view in vivid television reports hardly testify to an imminent state of spiritual elevation. Conflict, greed, self-interest, divisiveness, warfare and even genocide are as prevalent on the world stage today as …

Marcus Aurelius: Fact-Checking CIA Fact-Checking 0 Dark 30 [with Robert Steele Fact-Checking Both] 1.2

Fact-Checking the CIA’s Fact-Check on ‘Zero Dark Thirty By J.K. Trotter | The Atlantic Wire – Fri, Dec 28, 2012 “The CIA is a lot different than Hollywood portrays it to be,” reads an official explainer issued today by the Central Intelligence Agency — a thinly veiled attempt to continue debunking Zero Dark Thirty, the controversial Oscar favorite that …

Yoda: Human API?

Human, force is. Plugging into the Future of Humanity: Exploring the Human API I recently had the opportunity to present at LeWeb in Paris, arguably Europe’s largest conference dedicated to the future of technology. The theme of the conference explored the Internet of Things, where devices and things connect to one another to perform certain …

Richard Wright: Michael R. Davidson, CIA DO SIS (Ret), Comments on Steele & OSINT with Steele Response 2.1

UPDATE 2 Dec 2012:  Wright update, Steele update, at end of original post. As received: On the Linkedin Group, “Intelligence and Security”, a member started a discussion on open source intelligence using a quote from your [forthcoming chapter], “The Craft of Intelligence.” Davidson (a self proclaimed “former CIA Senior Intelligence Officer”) made such a wildly ignorant …