Journal: Weak Signals–Obama’s Czars

Byrd Calls Obama’s Czars Dangerous Byrd: Gives President too much power…. Obama’s Czars Breed Chain-of-Command Confusion Bloomberg: Placing them above Cabinet…. Glenn Beck’s List of Obama’s Czars 32 of them, most professional listing with most detail Free Market Mojo Who are Obama’s czars? 27 of them, hot links from each name to more information Politico’s List …

Review DVD: The AMERICAN Ruling Class

Truly Remarkable–Provokes & Entertains December 10, 2009 Robert Altman, James Baker, Bill Bradley, Harold Brown, Hodding Carter, William Coleman, Walter Cronkite, Barabara Ehrenreich, Vartan Gregorian, Robert Hackney, Doug Henwood, Mike Dedavoy, Joseph Nye, Samuel Peabody, John Perkins, Pete Seeger, Lawrence Summers, Arthur Sulzberger, William Taft,  Kurt Vonnegut, Howard Zinn This DVD is superb and also …

Review: Understanding Knowledge as a Commons–From Theory to Practice

Almost a Three–Ambitious Title, Narrow Focus November 29, 2009 Charlotte Hess An MIT publication from 2007, this is actually knowledge from the 2000-2004 timeframe, and it is annoying narrow knowledge written from legal-economic point of view. Well-intentioned, no doubt, this is not the “inter-disciplinary” work that it claims to be, and I demonstrate restraint in …

Review: Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth

A Four Pumped to Five to Stave Off the Ideologues November 27, 2009 David C. Korten I would normally rate this book a four because of its lack of reference to Buckminster Fuller (see Critical Path; the Open Money movement; or the literature on wealth of networks, fortune at the bottom of the pyramid, and …