Journal: Tea Party Introspection–Not There….

There is a fascinating dynamic occurring within the Tea Party “movement, one that juxtaposes earnest individuals of all types with much more calculating opportunists who are responsive to money via “anonymous” channels made possible by the Supreme Court decisions to take all limits off corporate funding in politics. Despite the story being told by numerous …

Definitions: “Self-Radicalized Militants”

DuckDuckGo Results Bing Results Google Results When we first heard the term, “self-radicalized militants,” we thought they were talking about Lori Wallach, the tom-boy agitator now depicted in pearls with style.  Above are three over-lapping sets of coverage on this term.  We have just two questions: 1)  Is “self-radicalized” like “immaculate conception,” one just “radicalizes” …

NIGHTWATCH: Pakistani Education as Weapon Against USA–The Failure of US Militarization

Pakistan: Special note. The second part of yesterday’s PBS show Frontline concerned the condition of the public school system in Pakistan. It has collapsed in nearly every respect. The video report noted that nearly half of the 65 million school age kids in Pakistan do not attend public schools. It did not follow-up that datum …