Robert Steele: Law Enforcement Across US Refusing to Enforce COVID Orders

Law Enforcement Across the U.S. Overwhelmingly REFUSING to Enforce COVID Orders – Will the Public Follow? ROBERT STEELE: This is an excellent counterpoint to: Mongoose: Citizens Stand Up to Fat Stupid Sheriffs Without a Warrant Lockdowns are a violation of interstate commerce  protocols and masks as well as vaccines are a violation of the  Nuremberg …

One Smoking Gun and It’s British — Again

Remember when I told you that the whole “Russian Collusion” meme would be tracked back to the British Government and rogue elements in their MI6 and Secret Service? It was. And especially today, remember their role in the Kennedy Assassination? How the Secret Service suddenly and mysteriously disappeared during those crucial minutes? ROBERT STEELE: British …

Robert Steele: Jonathan Pollard, Traitor, Going to Israel, Our Enemy (Never To Be Confused with Judaism)

Spy sentenced to life in U.S. prison can now return to Israel after completing parole Jonathan Pollard is a traitor who tried to sell secrets to Turkey first, then Israel. Israel is our enemy, and has totally penetrated the US Government while also leveraging 12 Zionist billionaire traitors to the USA identified by Ryan Dawson …

Owl: What Acting SecDef Miller’s Special Ops Shift Means + Robert Steele Comments

SHORT URL THIS POST: What Acting SecDef Miller’s Special Ops Shift Means The move “will put special operations command on par with the military services for the first time,” acting SecDef Chris Miller announced today The crux of the transformation will ensure that the top special operations official at the Pentagon can go directly …

Robert Steele: An Exchange on Israel vs Jews, Palestine vs Arab Dictators — The Future of North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia

A gentle person wrote in from Qatar and I responded. From your article “Trump Peace Plan: Sheer Genius” I fully agree that the JK peace plan was presented with the intention to be rejected by Palestine and others in the region and that the other “gestures” by Trump to Netanyahu have been delay strategies until …