Stephen E. Arnold: Deep Fake News Videos Can Tip Election, Spark Violence …

Deep Fakes: A Tough Nut to Crack If you are in the media or intelligence business, you undoubtedly already know about the potential of deep fakes or “deepfake” videos. Clips that utilize AI technology to create realistic and completely fake videos using existing footage. The catch is that they are getting more and more convincing…and …

Rebecca Campbell: Court Skeptical on FCC Bullshit Covering Up Weaponized 5G, Ignoring Public Safety Issues

5G will get its court time. FCC struggles to convince judge that broadband isn’t “telecommunications” A Federal Communications Commission lawyer faced a skeptical panel of judges today as the FCC defended its repeal of net neutrality rules and deregulation of the broadband industry. Blocking, throttling, or any sort of paid prioritization that causes other traffic …

Jon Rappoport: Don’t Like Illegal Immigrants? There’s a Drug for That (Oxytocin-enforced norm compliance…)

Outrageous chemical-dosing experiment to force friendship toward migrants: not science fiction I really hope you understand this. It is not a fantasy. It isn’t science fiction. It isn’t satire. It is Brave New World, but not the Huxley novel. It’s happening now. It’s a published study that appears on the website of the prestigious Proceedings …

Steven Aftergood: It Is Official: Federal Government Can Lie in Budget Statements

Accounting Board Okays Deceptive Budget Practices Government agencies may remove or omit budget information from their public financial statements and may present expenditures that are associated with one budget line item as if they were associated with another line item in order to protect classified information, the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board concluded last week. …