Mongoose: Harvard Says Greatest Threat To USA Is Its Own Dysfunctional Political System…

Harvard study: Political ‘dysfunction’ crippling U.S. economy America’s dysfunctional political system has emerged as the biggest threat to its economic competitiveness, according to a new Harvard Business School study.   . . . The authors polled Harvard Business School alumni on the political reforms they thought were needed. “By far the most common category of suggestion …

Owl: The Madness of Queen Hillary: Mental as Well as Physical Breakdown — UPDATE 1

This insight is top-drawer with regard to a recent melt-down by Hilary in which she verbally abused her staff (plus threw something at a staffer). A key statement she made during the course of her shouting fit was Trump ““will have us swinging from nooses” if he wins the election. Really? On what grounds? This …

Yoda: Trump Will Win, Clinton Will Lose? But What If…

Think, we must. Jaime Enoch Ortega, The Daily Journalist Despite the odds, Donald Trump will beat Hillary Clinton in November Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show The Clinton Campaign Is In Real Trouble A true national poll, 1000 homes across all demographics in all 50 states finds Trump favored by 67%. But What If….

Robert Steele: Has Trump Accepted A $20B Bribe From Lynn Rothschild To Throw The Election? UPDATE 15

SHORT URL: FINAL UPDATE: Donald Trump won. He was not supposed to win, but in the final days the electronic fraud used by Hillary Clinton against Bernie Sanders across multiple states was partially blocked, resulting in both a stunning upset against Hillary Clinton, and retention of the House and Senate under Republican majorities. It …

Yoda: CIA Director “Discovers” Open Source…

Exquisite, this is. CIA Director: Open Source a ‘Tremendous Advantage’ Housing the Open Source Enterprise within the CIA’s new Directorate of Digital Innovation allows a combination of the right personnel and tools to get a more accurate analysis of world events, Brennan said.