Stephen Aftergood: Privacy Board Urges New Criteria for (Reduced) Secrecy

Privacy Board Urges New Criteria for Secrecy The public controversy that erupted over NSA bulk collection of Americans’ telephone records was a clear sign, if one were needed, that the boundaries of government secrecy had been drawn incorrectly, and that the public had been wrongly denied an opportunity to grant or withhold its consent in …

Review: Good Hunting – An American Spymaster’s Story (by Jack Devine)

Jack Devine 5.0 out of 5 stars Modern Bible for Covert Operations — Joins Dulles, Helms, Colby as a Classic, June 3, 2014 I strongly recommend this book! I happily disclose that I received the book from the publisher at my request and that I have worked for Jack directly. I have also reviewed hundreds …

4th Media: Wayne Madsen – US Counterintelligence Locked Down to Protect Zionist Penetrations?

Wayne Madsen via 4th Media In an interview with the reactionary right-wing Fox News network, former Central Intelligence Agency director James Woolsey said U.S. National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden «should be prosecuted for treason. If convicted by a jury of his peers, he should be hanged by his neck until he is dead». Woolsey, …