Stephen E. Arnold: Roubini Trashes Crypto…

Jason Bloomberg writing in Forbes. ‘Dr. Doom’ Economist Nouriel Roubini Bearish On Everything Crypto Economist and New York University professor Nouriel Roubini is perhaps best known for calling the 2008 financial crisis in a series of articles and presentations starting in 2006. However, Roubini is no one trick pony – his research on emerging markets …

Robert Steele & Martin Armstrong: Bullshit on Impeachment, Time to End Two-Party Tyranny, Deepen Information Sharing Between Trump and Putin Against Deep State

I marvel at the persistent mendacity of the media, including Faux News. Politicians have always given hush money to prostitutes, porn stars, pole boys, and more.   The amount of hush money paid by  the  Obamas and Clintons very likely exceeds that paid by Trump by a factor of ten — plus the Clintons simply murder …

Caitlin Johnstone: John McCain, Warmonger, RIP — Robert Steele: Abandoned POWs, Undeclared Agent of Zionist Israel

Do NOT Let Them Make A Saint Of This Asshole My statements about my desire for John McCain to shuffle off this mortal coil sooner rather than later have been highly publicized, and I stand by all of them, but I don’t wish him a painful or agitated end. And, also, I am going to keep …

ROBERT STEELE: Good News: DreamHost Stands By First Amendment Bad News: #GoogleGestapo Massive Censorship. The Answer: A Trump Truth Channel. Includes Ron Paul Conference & False Flag Truths

I was so concerned by losing its mind (as well as its ethics) that I checked in with DreamHost, my preferred pathway to the Internet. I am pleased to report that I have been assured in the strongest possible terms that DreamHost abides by the 1st Amendment — it will take a court order …

NAACP Poll: Mr. President, You Have Lost Black Women [PBI: And Are Ignoring Black Men]

New Poll: Nation’s Most Competitive Races May Hinge on Trump’s Racism BALTIMORE – Today, the NAACP released results from a new poll, conducted for the NAACP by the African American Research Collaborative and Latino Decisions, pulling data from voters in 61 of the nation’s most competitive midterm races. The poll analyzed views of African American, …

Robert Steele: GOP RNC Commit Suicide, Disavow Bill Fawell for Telling the Truth About 9/11 and Sandy Hook UPDATE: Letters to RNC & NRA

If ever there was a moment in American history when the GOP/RNC could have stood  tall, this is that moment: they are disavowing a very fine candidate for Congress because he is telling the truth about 9/11 and Sandy Hook. GOP leaders pull support for 17th District candidate As a former spy who has run …

Robert Steele: 9/11 Truth Letter of Transmittal to President Trump

Mr. President, On 15 February 2016, speaking to a wildly enthusiastic crowd in Bluffton, South Carolina, you promised that under your watch, We the People would “find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center.” Throughout the campaign you were alone among prominent public figures to express skepticism on 9/11 by observing that the …