Robert Steele: Beyond the Paris Climate Deal – Can Russia Lead the Way?

Beyond the Paris Climate Deal – Can Russia Lead the Way? Russian International Affairs Council The President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, pulled out of the Paris Climate Deal for very good reasons – political reasons, economic reasons, cultural reasons, and intelligence reasons. He understood that the Paris Climate Deal is yet …

Review: Project Human Extinction – The Ultimate Conspiracy

Chris Thomas and Dave Morgan 7-Star Life Transformative Fundamental Reference on Extra-Terrestials, Illuminati, Free Masons, and the Satanic Deep State After years of reading across many fronts, I was finally given this book and consider it the single best book summarizing the human experiment as an inter-galactic or cosmic experiment focused on free will, and …

Jon Rapport: NIH / CDC Launch Criminally Insane Zika Virus — It Will Alter Human DNA without Informed Consent — this is the Deep State at its Worst

Zika vaccine: watch out—it will alter your DNA In many previous articles, I’ve established there is no convincing evidence the Zika virus causes the birth defect called microcephaly. (Zika archive here) All this fraud set the stage for the Zika DNA vaccine. Yes, it is under development. It is, in fact, an example of the …

Ramola D: MKULTRA Mind Control New Summary — Non-Consensual Neuro-Experimentation

Non-Consensual Neuro-Experimentation (along with demonstrating that Dick Cheney made 9/11 happen) are the other two Achilles heels of the Deep State, along with pedophilia and now known blackmail of most Senators and many Representatives. The truth is beginning to emerge. Below is one individual effort that merits careful reading. Victim of Neuro-Experimentation Rohinie Bisesar Reports …