2002 Stephen E. Arnold (US) Nomadic Computing: Anytime, Anyplace Access

PLATINUM Lifetime Award  Mr. Stephen E. Arnold For his constant demonstration of the utility of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) in the understanding of social networks, emerging technologies, and cultural realities.  As a world-renowned authority on information and communications, with a deep understanding of the public policy value of open source information, he has made himself …

2002 Bjore (SE) InfoSphere Knowledge Making Sense

PLATINUM Lifetime Award, Mr. Mats Bjore, Sweden There is no other person who has created a national open source intelligence capability, with recognition from the Royal War Academy for doing so; then gone on to rationalize McKinsey knowledge management in the Nordic region, then created the foremost international commercial intelligence practice in InfoSphere AB, and …

2002 Wheaton (US) Transitions From Authoritarian Rule: An Iterative Model

Kristan Wheaton, the Army field grade officer who predicted the Balkan meltdown years in advance but could not get command attention (he subsequently wrote a book,The Warning Solution : Intelligent Analysis in the Age of Information Overload that needs to be updated and reprinted.  The bottom line: policymakers are dealing with $50 billion problems “right …

2002 Global Futures Partnership–Vision of Lasting Value

The Global Futures Partnership (GFP) is a strategic “think and do tank” that undertakes unclassified global outreach for CIA and other Intelligence Community elements on the most important issues facing the intelligence community today and in coming years. It conceptualizes and implements interdisciplinary and multi-organizational projects on key intelligence issues with leading thinkers from academia, …

2002 Network security: Protecting our critical infrastructures (UN ITU)

ABOUT The following key issues will be explored under this topic: 1. The Nature of the Problem A) The vulnerabilities of national and international infrastructures B) Infrastructure dependencies C) Infrastructure failures and attacks D) Models for information attacks E) The international dimensions of the problem F. The need for international cooperation 2. Strategic Defence Options …