Steven Aftergood: US Army Deeply Vulnerable to Armed UAVs Comment by Robert Steele

ARMY EXPLORES COUNTER-DRONE TECHNIQUES Having developed and utilized unmanned aerial systems (UAS, or drones) for surveillance, targeting and attack, the US military now finds itself in the position of having to defend against the same technology. The US Army last week issued a new manual on Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System Techniques (ATP 3-01.81, April 13, 2017). …

Steve Aftergood: CRS on Taxpayers Who Pay Nothing

Taxpayers with Zero Income Tax Liability: Trends Over Time and Across Income Levels An estimated 44% of U.S. households will pay no federal income tax in 2016. Some individuals or households do not pay federal income taxes because their income was below the filing threshold. Other individuals or households filingfederal income tax returns pay no …

Steve Aftergood: CRS on Executive Authority to Exclude Aliens [from Earth — the ET Version is Classified and the President is Not Read In.,..]

EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY TO EXCLUDE ALIENS The President seems to have broad statutory authority to exclude aliens from the United States, a new report from the Congressional Research Service says. “On its face, [the Immigration and Nationality Act] would appear to give the President broad authority to preclude or otherwise restrict the entry into the United …

Steven Aftergood: CRS on US Army Out-Gunned & Out-Armored

INNOVATION IN FOREIGN ARMY SYSTEMS Several nations are independently pursuing development of ground combat weapon systems that are comparable or superior to their U.S. Army counterparts, says a new report from the Congressional Research Service. Accordingly, there is a “possibility that in the not-too-distant future, foreign armored vehicle design and capabilities could surpass existing U.S. …

Steve Aftergood: $137 Billion in Wrongful Spending in Just One Year – Congressional Research Service

The government mistakenly disbursed more than $137 billion in Fiscal Year 2015, the highest annual level of wrongful spending ever reported, the Congressional Research Service noted last week. Over $1 trillion in improper payments have been made by government agencies since 2004. Improper payments “are payments made in an incorrect amount, payments that should not …