Robert Steele: Afghan Papers — STOP THE LIES!

Afghanistan papers reveal US public were misled about unwinnable war “Undeniable Evidence”: Explosive Classified Docs Reveal Afghan War Mass Deception Berto Jongman: Half US Troops Consider Russia an Ally [Robert Steele: Pentagon Freaking Out Over Growing Anti-War Sentiment Among Troops and Across America] Afghanistan: a Pentagon Paradise Built on Lies Related Links Below the Fold

Yoda: Two Divisive Trends – Unassimilated Immigrants Who Commit Treason, and Fake News False Flag Anything Goes Lies

Two Divisive Trends That Will Shape the New Decade The combination of “alternative facts” and not knowing what to believe begs the question: How does a nation that depends and thrives on the free flow of accurate information survive when “news” is suspect and self-selected by one’s party or political beliefs? What happens when “we …

SPECIAL: Is Mitt Romney a Mormon Crime Boss & Key to Impeaching the President with a Demand for a Secret Senate Vote that Rallies the RINO Traitors Against the President?

My gift is to connect dots.  Sometimes I may get ahead of myself but for the last forty years I have generally been ahead of the US Intelligence Community.  I believe Mitt Romney is facing indictment for Bain Capital being the primary money launderer for the extended Mormon crime family that traffics in white babies …

Ed Jewett: Cultural Marxism – LGBTQI+ A National Security Threat — the End of Civil Society as Transgender and Transhumanist Lies Destroy Everything that is Good and Sacred in Western Civilization?

Transgenderism and transhumanism are nothing less than an attempt to genocide the human species and destroy civil society with a particular focus on destroying families and the education of normal straight children. Some call this Cultural Marxism. The normalization of perversion — includiing pedophilia and bestiality along with transgenderism and transhumanism, appears to be a …

Stephen E. Arnold: Lies Everywhere, Is the Truth Dead?

Unusual Source, Useful Information I want to give a thumbs up to Cool Smart Phone and its write up “Lies Everywhere. The Truth Is Dead.” The article does a very good job of explaining the basic mechanism for planting misinformation in online channels. Plus the article contains a number of examples. DarkCyber noted this statement …