SchwartzReport: American Health Declining by Every Measure — USA 27th Among 34 Developed Nations

Our passive servitude to the Non-geographical Corporate States and their minions is literally costing us years off our lives. And, not surprisingly, life is even shorter in Red value states as compared to Blue value states. Read this carefully and note, particularly, the observations about inequality and stress. Why Do Americans Live Lives So Short? …

SmartPlanet: China Invests $1.1B in Nigeria — While Others Destabilize Africa

China invests $1.1 billion in Nigerian infrastructure Less than two weeks ago, U.S. President Barack Obama traveled to Africa where he announced a $7 billion energy plan and welcomed development competition on the continent. “I want everybody playing in Africa,” he said. And it didn’t take long for China to show that it’s playing, and winning. …

2013 Robert Steele Reflections on [Search:] non+traditional+threat 1.2

ROBERT STEELE:  I have elected to answer this personally.  It may well be the most fundamental question this web site has received in that any corruption in the answer to this question assures the failure of any strategy, policy, acquisition, or operation that is spawned from an inherently corrupt — a deliberately corrupt — refusal …

David Swanson: A Global Rescue Plan Within Our Means, in the Public Interest

A Global Rescue Plan When the wealthy nations of the world meet as the G8 or in any other gathering, it’s interesting to imagine what they would do if they followed the golden rule, valued grandchildren, disliked unnecessary suffering, or wished to outgrow ancient forms of barbarism, or any combination of those. The United States …

Patrick Meier: 4G Humanitarian Technology Briefing (99 Slides with Words in Notes Format)

ROBERT STEELE:  I had the pleasure of listening to Dr. Patrick Meier speak at the National Defense University (NDU) this past Thursday.  He is based in Qatar because the US Government is not very good at spotting, assessing, recruiting, and respecting world-class individual talents.  Patrick is a global asset.  What he knows about humanitarian technology …