Berto Jongman: McKinsey 12 Technologies Driving the Future — With Comment from Robert Steele

These 12 technologies will drive our economic future Neil Irwin Washington Post, 24 May 2013 As the chart shows, the McKinsey folks believe that the most economically significant technologies over the next decade-plus will be those already well underway in their development — the mobile Internet, largely in place in the adv Indeed, maybe the …

Penguin: Chinese Pick-Up Trucks with Gun-Mounts “Off the Shelf” — Affordable, Low Maintenance, Fast, Stable….

Law of unintended consequences — destabilize Libya, promote Chinese pick-up trucks with gun mounts. Now You Can Buy A Machine Gun-Ready Pickup Truck Ever fancied owning your own “technical” – the sort of pickup truck fitted with a heavy machine gun that rebels careering around the streets from Somalia to Libya have made notorious? Come to the Shanghai Auto Show and …

Review: Ending the Male Leadership Myth – How Women Can Save Us from Destroying Ourselves

Fernando Pargas STUNNINGLY Intelligent, Timely, A Study in Ethics, Business, & Governance, April 20, 2013 I received this book as a gift because I have been telling people for over a decade that the 21st Century is going to be the Century of women, whose compassion, intuition, and smaller egos make them so much superior …

SchwartzReport: For Price of Iraq War, Half of the US Could Be on Renewable Energy Now

I believe that historians will look back on the era that began with Reagan, and reached its peak during the administration of the second Bush, and his evil wizard, Cheney, and mark that as the beginning of the decline of America. We traded prosperity, and greatness, for the tainted pottage of elective war, and the …

Open Power: Democracy Lost & Found Essay, Book Review Blurbs and Links [Updated 3 MAR 2015]

NEW: Kindle Book Open Power ($2.99) OLD: Core Documents for Both Initiatives (Free) OLD: the foundation book The Open Source Everything Manifesto ROBERT STEELE: There are two schools of thought on effecting political (and hence economic and social) reform. One school is the school of love — this school emphasizes trust building and doing no …