John Lear: False Flag Fake News Boeing Remote Hijack, Not Anti-Stall, and Zionists, are the Cause, Not a “Mistake,” of the Murders of All Aboard Lion Air and Ethiopian Airways

The Lion Air and Ethiopian Airways Boeing 737 were both taken down by the Zionists to assassinate one specific passenger in each aircraft. They leveraged Boeing built in remote hijack capabilities to put both aircraft into the ground. The current story about anti-stall software failures is a cover-up.

#GoogleGestapo — Pedophile Playground, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Particularly Culpable – Is ADL “Covering Up” to Aid Mossad Exploitation of Pedophiles?

YouTube Isn’t the Only Platform With a Pedophilia Problem When platforms care only about engagement, kids suffer. Of note: Department of Justice refuses to  enforce existing federal obscenity laws (hardcore pornography) despite the fact that these laws have been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court and previously enforced. This is gross negligence, itself a crime. …

Steven Aftergood: DIA Gaslighting? UFO “Research” for Corrupt Senator Harry Reid’s Favored Constituent?

More Light on Black Program to Track UFOs The Defense Intelligence Agency disclosed this week that it had funded research on warp drive, invisibility cloaking, and other areas of fringe or speculative science and engineering as part of a now-defunct program to track and identify threats from space. From 2007 to 2012, the DIA spent …

Ed Jewett: Is Donald Trump Preparing to Invade Area 51?

THOSE NEVADA AIR FORCE DRILLS: WHO’S THE TARGET? by Joseph P. Farrell An excerpt: “…. The fact that this exercise was being carried out near the environs of the celebrated “Area 51”, where allegedly the US carries out some of its most sensitive and secret “black projects research” made me think of this story from 2013, uncovered and …