BREAKING: Benjamin Fulford — Is Trump Being Blackmailed by Kushner? Zionists Press for War with Iran — Alternative to Trump for 2020? UPDATE 2: Has Trump Cut a Deal with Bush & Clinton Crime Families?

Khazarian mafia play Trump blackmail card in final bid to avoid extermination By Benjamin Fulford Partial post with permission. Register/Subscribe ($11/month) here. The Khazarian mafia is in a state of deep panic as more and more people, including many Jews, wake up to their horrors.  That is why they are playing their trump card by blackmailing …

Ed Jewett: Cosmic Convergence on The Phoenix Event — Is Donald Trump the Wild Card and Are Military Tribunals the Next Move?

When and how will the folks in the hinterlands know if the military tribunal allegations are real? THE PHOENIX MOMENT: An Inescapable Global Event Is Close At Hand The very fact that Trump shut down the U.S. government actually bodes very well for the nation as well as for the world-at-large.  This shutdown is giving …

Robert Steele: Khashoggi False Flag CIA Princes Bandar Turki Coup Against Trump & MbS UPDATE 20: Saudi Lead on Alledged Murder a Zionist Asset?

SHORT URL: UPDATE 20: Saudi Lead on Alledged Murder a Zionist Asset? UPDATE 19: Sybel Edmunds in Turkey Confirms CIA-Mossad False Flag Fake Girlfriend, No Body UPDATE 18: The CIA lied about the Russians hacking the election, could they be lying (or deceived by the Zionists) on MBS’s role? President is CORRECT to say …

Owl: The Saga of Justice Kavanaugh UPDATE 55: Senate Report Sends Swetnick & Avenatti Toward Jail…

Short Memorable URL if you wish to tell others: UPDATE 55: Katz and Avanatti should lose their law licenses. The witnesses who lied with malice should serve jail time. Senate report paints devastating profile of Justice Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick UPDATE 54: The false witnesses against Judge (now Justice) Kavanaugh have been referred for …

James Fetzer: Unraveling of JFK Assassination – TWO Whistleblowers (Both SIGINT) Put in Looney Bin When They Intercepted and Reported JFK Assassination Conversations Between CIA and Corsicans

Susan Lindauer was put into the looney bin for telling 9/11 truths about CIA and the Hill having advance notice.  Only her relationship with Andy Card saved her.  Others have been murdered.  When will Trump force the issue of 9/11 truth and put CIA back into a very small box? Jerry Kroth: Two US Soldiers …

Benjamin Fulford: Trump’s Clever Plans Continued — and a Break-Down of the Deep State Beligerents

Trump’s universal trade war declaration is bringing events to a head Full text posted with permission. U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration of trade war with just about everybody is really just a case of Trump negotiating a Chapter 11-style bankruptcy for the United States.  A kinder way of putting it would be to say that …