Mini-Me: Cosmic Channeler Anticipates Major Natural Disaster Near Term on West Coast

Huh? Posted on May 19, 2012 Cosmic Paradigm Alert Greeting, my name is Bren-Ton. Those of us aboard Athabantian wish to convey the following. We believe that a major geological event for your planet may occur within the next few days. It will be centered off the Northwestern coast of the United States. It is …

NIGHTWATCH: Syria, Russia, US, Iran, Israel, Lies, & Truth + RECAP

Syria: Special comment. Readers are rightly perplexed about conditions in Syria. Syrian press restrictions inhibit any neutral or balanced coverage. Everything reported from opposition sources and activists is biased and some reports of massacres include manufactured images, according to eyewitnesses. International news descriptions of a worsening crisis receive no offsetting coverage of testimony from non-Sunni …

Vatican, Ethics, & Truth II (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

Full Text: Note on financial reform from the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace 2011-10-24 Vatican Radio Please find, below, an unofficial translation of the Note on the reform of the international financial and monetary systems in the context of global public authority, released Monday by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. ****************** Pontifical …

Marcus Aurelius: VIDEO Extreme Prejudice – CIA Whistle Blower [then Congressional staffer] Susan Lindauer PDX 911Truth

From the YouTube description: Amazing testimony of ex CIA Asset Susan Lindauer. 5 years of legal troubles, 1 year in prison for daring to tell the truth. During the Bush era the top controllers of the governmental mechanics of Defense and national Security wanted to have a war with Iraq. They got their wish and …

Journal: WikiLeaks Losing Funding Channel, Plot Thickens

WikiLeaks says funding has been blocked after government blacklisting Founder Julian Assange hits out at decision by Moneybookers, which collects the whistleblowing website’s donations David Leigh and Rob Evans, Thursday 14 October 2010 17.55 BST The whistleblowing group WikiLeaks claims that it has had its funding blocked and that it is the victim of …

Journal: 9-11 Truth Movement–Hanging Fire, Still Explosive

THE STORY BEHIND 9/11: HIT OR MYTH? TAKING ON THE TRUTHERS By MAXINE SHEN August 28, 2009 Read Full Story Online First.  Then below Response (provided here because original is behind a Facebook Password Access page).: The 9/11 Official Story Runs Out of Steam? by Sander Hicks (pictured in insert by Post at right) (NEW …