Journal: DoD Mind-Set Time Lags Most Fascinating

Pentagon Shifts Its Strategy To Small-Scale Warfare By August Cole and Yochi J. Dreazen Wall Street Journal  January 30, 2010  Pg. 4 The shift in strategy sets up potential conflicts with defense contractors and powerful lawmakers uneasy with the Pentagon’s growing focus on smaller-scale, guerilla warfare. In particular, Defense Secretary Robert Gates has come to …

Journal: Haiti–A Special Forces Sergeant Major Reports Our National Crime Against Humanity in Haiti

From A Retired Special Forces Sgt Major: To All, I just returned from Haiti with Hebler. We flew in at 3 AM Sunday to the scene of such incredible destruction on one side, and enormous ineptitude and criminal neglect on the other. Port o Prince is in ruins. The rest of the country is fairly …

Journal: National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) Goes from Dumb to Dumber

Director: NCTC has analyst shortage The National Counterterrorism Center does not have enough analysts to comb through the thousands of pieces of terrorism-related information it receives every day, even though a plan to cut millions of dollars from its budget has been reversed, NCTC Director Michael Leiter told House lawmakers on Wednesday. . . . …

Journal: The Greening of the Pentagon’s Strategy

Climate change may be an “accelerant of instability” in future conflicts, and the U.S. military needs to plan for possible environmental catastrophes and resource wars, according to the Pentagon’s soon-to-be-released master strategy document. Among other things, the draft QDR suggests the military will have to start planning for operations in which rising sea levels, an …