Journal: Greedy Cultish Goldman Sachs Looting America and Corrupting Democracy

Here are two excellent items on the greedy cultish institutional culture of Goldman Sachs, which has its own revolving door in and out of the Federal government. Chuck Background from November 2009 November 8, 2009 I’m doing ‘God’s work’. Meet Mr Goldman Sachs Average pay this recessionary year for the 30,000 staff is expected to …

MILNET Headlines 4 Feb 10 AM

Afghanistan: Lurching Toward Defeat In Afghanistan Wall Street Journal Cyber-Security:  Report Details Hacks Targeting Google, Others Cyber-Security: Google To Enlist NSA To Ward Off Attacks  Washington Post Cyber-Security: Hackers Steal Millions in Carbon Credits Strategy Future Conflict Future Character of Conflict Strategy Green Paper: Defence Green paper 2010. Strategy Trends UK Global Strategic Trends Edition …

Journal: NIGHTWATCH Extract France & Citizenship

NIGHTWATCH HOME.  France: For the record. Prime Minister Francois Fillon said on 3 February he would sign a decree barring a Moroccan man from receiving French citizenship because of his insistence that his French wife conform to the strictest Islamic practices. Fillon said that the man “has no place in our country.” The French authorities …

Journal: Pentagon’s Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) as a Metaphor for a Predictable Defense Meltdown

The recent publication of the 2010 QDR reveals once again, in typically leaden and mind-numbing prose, how the Pentagon is incapable of coming to grips with the mismatches among strategy, programs, and resources that its decision makers create for themselves, even when budgets are at the highest levels since the end of WWII.  The F-35 …