ZeroHedge: DHS Insider Warns “It’s Spy Versus Spy” — The Coup Against Trump Continues

DHS Insider Warns “It’s Spy Versus Spy” Submitted by VicturusLibertas via The Burning Platform blog, Trump has a tremendous opportunity here, but needs to circle wagons. The travel ban included 7 countries chosen by both Jared Kushner and Rudy. Why did it not include Saudi Arabia, or Pakistan, or Turkey or other countries that hate …

Berto Jongman: Hundreds of Pedophilia Arrests Across US Connected to Washington DC Pizzagate

Hundreds Arrested In Nationwide Pizzagate Raids A massive nationwide sting has seen over 500 individuals connected to child sex offences arrested in the first of many Pizzagate raids.  Officials from police departments, fire departments and local government are said to be among the hundreds arrested, as the FBI ramp up efforts to arrest everybody connected …