Robert Steele: Flynn Deserved to Be Fired, But Not for Talking to Russians UPDATE: Pedophilia Aspect

UPDATE: It is now known that the Vice President joined in the chorus to fire Mike Flynn after he learned that Flynn kept from the Vice President the fact that a list of high-level pedophiles in the USA, obtained from Amsterdam, included a close personal friend of the Vice President’s, and this was discussed with …

Robert Steele: Memorandum for the President – Warning on a Violent American Spring, Eight Actions for Donald Trump to Make America Great Again UPDATE 8 – White House Petition Numbers Being Rigged Down?

SHORT URL: UPDATE 8: A citizen has come in with 20 screen shots that show the White House petition numbers climbing and then dropping back down. We are seeking independent verification but this is a real concern. We are however finding the same “bug” on other petitions. Bottom line is that either the numbers …

Steve Aftergood: CRS on Executive Authority to Exclude Aliens [from Earth — the ET Version is Classified and the President is Not Read In.,..]

EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY TO EXCLUDE ALIENS The President seems to have broad statutory authority to exclude aliens from the United States, a new report from the Congressional Research Service says. “On its face, [the Immigration and Nationality Act] would appear to give the President broad authority to preclude or otherwise restrict the entry into the United …

Phantom Phixer: The Plot to Censor Trump — from Twitter, Facebook, Google, and YouTube…

This open letter from Ellen Pao to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey (who may himself be a pedophile and appears at a minimum to be enabling celebrity pedophile rings to operate within Twitter), is a good sign of what is to come. The left owns social media — if Trump does not create his own Trump …

Robert Steele: Trump’s Unforced Errors – Is Preibus Our Judas?

It is hard to help Donald Trump. Apart from his own hubris that makes him hard of hearing, particularly when those speaking are not billionaires, he is also being controlled and filtered now, in a most aggressive manner. I explicitly call out Reince Priebus as our Judas, holding back from Trump the three obvious moves …

Robert Steele: Donald Trump’s Future — Over Reince Priebus’s Dead Body…

As things now stand, Donald Trump will not finish his first term. This will be Donald Trump’s fault — and Reince Priebus’ fault. I explicitly accuse Reince Priebus of betraying Donald Trump by sacrificing the protection of Donald Trump and the longer-term healing of the country to Priebus’s own vested interests in protecting the short-term …

REALITY CALLS Interview: Tara McCarthy & Robert Steele — The Truth At Any Cost Lowers All Other Costs — What Really Happened in US Election?

REALITY CALLS HOME PAGE Tara McCarthy: If you’re like me, you’re sick and tired of the lies and omissions we see daily from the mainstream media. They try to keep us hooked on trivial drama while they skim over or completely fail to mention far more important topics. This leaves the population uninformed and vulnerable to being hoodwinked …