Journal: Afghanistan = Viet-Nam, National Security Council Remains “Like a Moron”

Saigon 2009 Afghanistan is today’s Vietnam. No question mark needed. BY THOMAS H. JOHNSON, M. CHRIS MASON AUGUST 20, 2009 For those who say that comparing the current war in Afghanistan to the Vietnam War is taking things too far, here’s a reality check: It’s not taking things far enough. From the origins of these …

AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 17 August 2009

Hot Topics AA: Should the AU outsource security operations? 08/14/09 BI: Burundi urged to punish perpetrators of human rights violations … 08/14/09 BW: ‘Botswana economy is going down the drain’ 08/13/09 CD: DR Congo’s Bemba released before war crimes trial 08/14/09 ET: Ethiopia’s resilient prime minister The two sides of Meles Zenawi 08/13/09 GH: Ghana’s …

Journal: Chuck Spinney Flags “More Troops = More Targets”

Inside the Taliban: ‘The more troops they send, the more targets we have’ Ghaith Abdul-Ahad,Saturday 15 August 2009 Ghaith Abdul-Ahad is an Iraqi journalist who works as a special correspondent for the Guardian. Phi Beta Iota Selected One-Liners followed by link to McNamara in Fog of War Includes MAJOR finding on drone need for infrared …

Journal: Secretary of Defense Robert Gates’s Preemptive Damage Control [Manipulation of Anticipated Negative Information]

By Robert Haddick August 2009 After appointing Gen. Stanley McChrystal the new commander in Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Robert Gates gave him two months to write an analysis of the situation there in yet another review of U.S. strategy. But after rumors leaked out that McChrystal would ask for another increase in U.S. troops, it appears …