Robert Steele: What Can Countries Do To Advance Peace?

ORIGINAL: Steele, Robert. “What Can Countries Do to Advance Peace?,” Russian International Affairs Council, January 27, 2017. What Can Countries Do to Advance Peace? The international book-makers are among the most intelligent and successful observers of the human condition. Right up to the night of the election in the USA, their odds against President Donald …

Robert Steele: Donald Trump’s Bunker Hill Ronald Reagan Air Traffic Control Moment – Confronting CIA & The Deep State on Russians Hacking the Election (They Did Not) UPDATE 11

I invite readers to use the share buttons to send this to all possible pro-Trump twitter and facebook addresses (the ones that have not been illegally censored). UPDATES at end of this original post. Donald Trump’s Bunker Hill Moment As Donald Trump prepares to hear what I am certain will be carefully constructed lies from …

Robert Parry: Obama Administration & Its Neo-Con Allies Create Ministry of Truth — Taxpayers Now Funding USG War Against US Citizens Seeking to Tell the Truth…

The War Against Alternative Information The U.S. government is creating a new $160 million bureaucracy to shut down information that doesn’t conform to U.S. propaganda narratives, building on the strategy that sold the bloody Syrian “regime change” war, writes Rick Sterling. The new law is remarkable for a number of reasons, not the least because …

Robert Steele: US IC Allegations Against Russians Are Crap — Our Own Traitors, Not the Russians, Are the Real Enemy, Fake Evidence & Fake News – UPDATE 22

I invite readers to tweet this post to @realDonaldTrump and @seanspicer using the tweet share button at the bottom of this post. UPDATE 22: BuzzFeed reports the evidence is simply not there. The FBI Never Asked For Access To Hacked Computer Servers The FBI did not examine the servers of the Democratic National Committee before issuing …

Robert Steele: Augmented Intelligence with Human-Machine Integrity – Future-Oriented Hybrid Governance Integrating Holistic Analytics, True Cost Economics, and Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE)

Augmented Intelligence with Human-Machine Integrity: Future-Oriented Hybrid Governance Integrating Holistic Analytics, True Cost Economics, and Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) UPDATE: PDF (26 Pages): Chapter Steele on Augmented Intelligence as Published Full Text of Author’s Final Draft (Pre-Editing) Below the Fold

Chuck Spinney: Jonathan Cook on Clinton’s Hypocrisy, Fake News, and US Intelligence Perfidy in False Claims About Russia “Hacking” the Election

The below essay by Jonathan Cook is a show stopper.  Cook, a British writer, is an independent reporter based in Nazareth, Israel.  Cook has proven himself to be one of  the most insightful western observers now reporting on Israel, the Palestinian conflict, and the Middle East in general. In the classic Beyond Culture, the great …